As regular as clockwork, the National Geographic channel has been broadcasting documentary films entitled “Apocalypse” on World War Two and Nazi Germany. The producers of this series have recently also set their minds on World War One. They have launched a DVD box set onto the market about the Great War that shocked the world from 1914 until 1918.
Apocalypse World War I has grown into is a series of 5 DVDs and is now on sale. The visual material has been completely coloured in and provided with soundtrack. It became at once the most comprehensive and most expensive documentary film on World War One ever. Defence has also added its contribution to this unique achievement.
We see how the conflict between the Central Powers and the Allies has arisen and how it has degenerated into an atrocious war. The battles of Ypres, Passchendaele, the Marne and the Somme, during which 30,000 British soldiers were slaughtered in a few hours’ time, have left an indelible impression. The battles on the other fronts are also recalled, like the battle of Tannenberg, the battles in Russia, Serbia, Turkey, Palestine and in the desert.