As of now, the book is available at the price of € 25,00!

The book of photographs “A Small Army in the Great War” and the DVD of the same name were originally meant to be distributed as a promotional gift during the period 2014-2018.
The aim has never been to commercialize the book and the DVD, especially as the Ministry of Defence is not entitled to do so.
However, the high quality of the final result and the great interest aroused by both items have led to an increasing demand to bring the book and the DVD on the market.
The book is available at the price of € 25,00 at these addresses below:
asbl FONAVIBEL, Fonds National d’Aide aux Victimes de l’Aviation Belge
Kwartier Majoor HOUSIAU
Martelarenstraat, 181
1800 – PEUTIE
Tel: 02/441.0752
Fax: 02/443.9031
asbl. Lieutenant- Général ROMAN
Quartier Reine Elisabeth
Eversesraat 1, Blok 1/414
1140 – EVERE
Tel: 02/701.1584 of 02/701.6907
Fax: 02-701-6792
Fondation VIVAT!
Enfants handicapés de la communauté militaire
Fondation VIVAT! Stichting VIVAT!
12 rue Buisson aux Loups
Association d’entraide dans la Marine
Graaf Jansdijk 1
Tel: 050/55 8739
VZW-ASBL Pinocchio
Bruynstraat 200 – 1120 NEDER-OVER-HEEMBEEK
Tel: 02 / 264 4336
rue d'Evere/Everestraat 1
Tf : 02/701 70 24
It can also be purchased at the museum shop at the Royal Army Museum in Brussels.